Dramatic Performance Improvements in Security for Bitbucket 4.0.0

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Graphic of the scanning app

Included in Security for Bitbucket 4.0 is a major performance upgrade which can improve the speed of bulk scans by 10x or more. The improvement can be much higher for repositories with many branches or many forks.

The new logic in Security for Bitbucket 4.0 detects and avoids re-scanning identical files shared between multiple branches of the same repository. For example, if a single file is modified in a repository with 100 branches all deriving from main, then once main is scanned, scanning the additional 100 branches will be nearly instantaneous.

Of course, the new logic takes your scan settings into account — for example, a previously scanned file would be re-scanned after a scanning rule is enabled, disabled, or modified.

Other recent enhancements to Security for Bitbucket include the ability to export reviewed findings, audit logging for app events, a project-level dashboard, a repository-level dashboard, and improved false positive filtering in the built-in rules.

We hope you enjoy!